15 May 2009

Daria's Derring-Do

Not too long ago, I was drinking tea in a cafe on the Upper West Side and Daria Werbowy walked in and sat a few tables over from me. Inside I was a bit giddy; it's fun to see the models I write about, and Daria is one of my favorites.

I see models somewhat frequently and my reaction is usually not, "Wow, she's so gorgeous!" but rather, "Wow, she is so extreme looking." Extremely tall, extremely thin, extremely angular, and extreme eyes (my sisters and I call them hammerhead eyes, because often models eyes appear to be practically on the sides of their heads).

Daria is no exception physically, but her demeanor seemed soft. While I acknowledge that my brief and impersonal brush with Daria didn't give me luminous insight into her personality, she struck me as gentle.

Which is why I love these pictures from French Vogue so much. Here she models swimsuits atypically, and in my opinion, much more compellingly than in the run-of-the-mill swimsuit spreads we're all accustomed to this time of year.
I would like this photoshoot to inspire a movie directed by Quentin Tarantino.


pretty said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're back.

I don't think I've ever spotted a supermodel, but I think Daria must be of that 'super' ilk - as you said, less extreme and more just hugely beautiful.

About Me said...

Thanks for the welcome back!

Daria is definitely gorgeous. She must get gawked at constantly! (I tried to avoid this.)

rosanna said...

hey! when i lived in new york several years ago, daria lived two apartments down from us. we'd often see her in our coffee shop, and even did laundry with her on several occasions. she had a super awesome bicycle and seemed really nice, and i agree, gentle. though i never did talk to her.

Winnie said...

Ah those images are awesome. She's fantastic.

Anonymous said...

this is a great editorial!